Thursday, 6 December 2018

How to open presents 101

Hi, guys, it's me and TODAY I'm gonna teach you to open your presents!

Step 1: get the biggest and bestest present you can see!

Step 2: Rip the paper off but don't break the present

Step 3: Read the card and thank the person who gave it to you!

BONUS STEP 4: Repeat this step until all your presents are all opened! 

Phobias and fears

Hi, guys, it's me and today I'm going to talk about Phobias and fears!

What is a fear?
an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain, or harm.

What is a phobia?
an extreme or irrational fear of or aversion to something.

Do I have a fear or phobia?
I hate the dark, I'm not scared of the dark in general but I always think someones there so I'm scared of what's in the dark.

How to open presents 101

Hi, guys, it's me and TODAY I'm gonna teach you to open your presents! Step 1: get the biggest and bestest present you can see! ...