Thursday, 29 November 2018

Dear diary, from Mog

Dear Diary,
Christmas this year was the best one yet! but it didn't start off so great. I was having a terrible dream about bids chasing me, I woke up the next morning and I smelt something, coming from the oven, I climbed on the bench and slipped a little which opened the oven and a big puff of black covered my vision. I walked across the bench and all of a sudden I heard a voice, making me jump onto the table, but I started slipping, the more I tried to get a good grip but it was no use, I jumped onto the fan and I heard a loud crash! I suddenly started spinning faster and faster until I went flying onto the clock and that started to tip. I jumped off and it came down with a crash. I jumped away from the Christmas tree and when I turned around, it burnt to ashes. I ran out a whole I found in the wall and I was in front of a big red truck! I lead them inside and came back to my family, everyone went inside and it was a mess, I looked at my owners and they started to cry, Christmas was ruined and it was all because of me. All of a sudden there was a knock at the door, it was the Neighbours! they brought food, candles plates even the tree and Christmas was saved! I hope this doesn't happen again next year.
From Mog the cat

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How to open presents 101

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